Marika Massaro
![]() 3473658717; 3804935950 Orcid Scholar WOS Scopus |
Institute of Clinical Physiology Researcher Nutrheff Thematic Biological validation, Clinical and nutritional studies, Communication and promotional initiatives
Research Interest and expertise in the field of nutraceuticals
and functional food
Keywords: Vascular biology, inflammation, angiogenesis, nutrition, dietary habits evaluation, assessment of subjective well-being
Nutraceuticals and foods of interestApplication of nutrigenomics and pharmacogenomics to the prevention of obesity and cardiovascular disease using cellular and tissue models. Analysis of epicardial and visceral adipose tissue. Analysis of the anti-inflammatory properties of fatty acids and plant bioactives; sports and community nutrition, analysis of heterogeneity of response to bioactives; assessment of dietary habits in the general population and in individuals at risk for chronic diseases; assessment of subjective well-being. polyunsaturated fatty acids, plant bioactives, chocolate, antioxidants, olive oil, wine and derived products Fields of application vascular biology; obesity; osteoarthritis, atherosclerosis Facilities and equipments 1) Microscopio elettronico NIKON Mod. ECLIPSE 50i e camera digitale per microscopia NIKON Mod. DS-FI1 USB2; 2) Cabina Bioazhard S@femate 1.2 BIOAIR; 3) Incubatore a CO2 THERMO; 4) Centrifuga refrigerata Allegra X-22R BECKMAN COULTER; 5) Microscopio invertito LEICA; 6) Luminometro TURNER BIOSYSTEM; 7) Thermal cycler PTC-100 MJ RESEARCH; 8) Lettore ELISA THERMO; 9) Apparecchi gel-elettroforesi verticale e orizzontale BIORAD; 10) Sistemi informatici e cartacei per la valutazione delle assunzioni nutrizionali e la misura del senso di fame/sazietà ; 11) impedenzometro e bilancia pesa persona di precisione OMRON; plicometro manuale e altimetro OMRON. |