Federica Tenaglia

Federica Tenaglia
Department of Biology, Agriculture and Food Science

Nutrheff Thematic
Communication and Promotional Activities

Research Interest and expertise in the field of nutraceuticals and functional food
Since 2008 Federica Tenaglia manages dissemination and communication activities in the Agri-food sector. She supports scientific network to disseminate project results, events, news. She coordinates the scientific and technical committee of the CNR Nutrheff Network (Nutraceutical Health Enhancing Functional Food) and in 2021 she was the leader of the Citizen Science Project “Scienza@Tavola”, https://scienzaatavola.cnr.it/ . She actively participates in the communication and dissemination working groups of several projects in the agri-food sector.

Keywords: communication, dissemination, food, agriculture, functional food, nutraceutics

Nutraceuticals and foods of interest

Fields of application

Facilities and equipments